Handling appointments for you and your team is easy with the CRM
You have access to all of your appointments within the CRM app. You'll be able to set these assignments up for yourself of your team with a few simple steps.
Selecting the appointments and tasks link on the app home screen brings you directly to all of the appointments and tasks for your specific community. Let’s walk through how to add and effectively manage your day-to-day appointments.
Click the plus symbol to get started. From the add appointments screen, add the subject and then the details pertaining to the date, time and anticipated length of appointment. You’ll also have the opportunity to set a reminder, choose who you’d like this appointment assigned to, which contact, and add any additional notes as warranted. Click add to set this appointment.
Back at our site schedule, you’ll see any appointments for the date selected and you’ll also be able to re-access your appointments once the appointments are completed, for instance, by clicking directly on it. Click edit to have the opportunity to change the status from active to complete. No-show and cancelled are also options for you--and then click done, and done again.
Back on our site schedule you’ll notice no notification below and also a check mark here to denote that the appointment is no longer active.
We hope this video is helpful. If you have any questions or need additional resources, please reach out to us at training@leasehawk.com.