Follow this training guide to learn how to use ACE quick replies, buttons, and property variables.
With ACE, you have the ability to control how renters start and continue conversations with ACE. With ACE quick replies, chat buttons and URL scripts, you can direct your renters to a specific starting point in ACE, for renters to jumpstart a conversation, for ACE to provide conversation suggestions to renters, and more. Additionally, ACE property variables allow you to easily add or update leasing information in one place.
What Is It
Quick Replies are buttons that appear after ACE has provided a response to a leasing or resident question or prompt, such as the welcome message. Quick reply buttons give renters the fastest way to ask more questions related to the question or prompt they just asked.
How to Use It
When a renter clicks on a quick reply button, ACE will provide the response for the chosen quick reply button. For example, if the renter asks ACE about the pet policy, ACE will provide the pet policy response and provide quick reply buttons, such as Dog Park/Pet Services and Service Animals.
Instructions: Manage Global Quick Replies
Go to the General dashboard.
Scroll down to the Phrases section.
Locate the "Global Quick Replies" editor and click on the Quick Reply tab.
Type the title of the Leasing or Resident Question. Click enter or click the question when it appears—it will then turn into a 'chip'.
Save and publish.
Instructions: Create Individual Quick Replies
Select the dashboard: General, Tour Options, Leasing Questions, or Resident Questions.
Find the question or prompt that you'd like to add a quick reply bubble(s).
Click on the "+" icon then select "Add Quick Reply".
Type the title of the Leasing or Resident Question. Click enter or click the question when it appears—it will then turn into a 'chip'.
Drag and drop the chips to customize the order of which the buttons appear in the ACE response.
Save and publish.
Instructions: Set a Maximum Quick Reply Count
Edit the maximum amount of Quick Reply buttons that will be shown to renters at any given time. This setting ensures the ACE chatbot window has a clean user experience. We recommend a maximum of 6; however, you can choose any maximum that fits your business needs.
Scroll to the bottom of the Settings Section, and locate the Max Quick Replies Shown field. Enter the number of Quick Replies you want to be shown to a renter.
Click Save.
Instructions: Customize Global Styling for Quick Replies
Select the dashboard: Chatbot Style.
Scroll down to the section that starts with "Max Quick Replies Shown".
Customize the border, text, and background colors of the Quick Reply buttons. The changes will show in the Chatbot preview window.
Save and publish.
Instructions: Customize Styling for Individual Quick Replies
Select the dashboard: General, Tour Options, Leasing Questions, or Resident Questions.
Choose the prompt, leasing or resident question that you want to customize the Quick Reply button for and expand it.
Click on the "+" sign and select "Add Quick Reply" if Quick Replies have not been set up for it yet.
Hover over the Quick Reply to show the settings gear icon. Click on the gear icon to open the Quick Reply settings.
Customize the border, text, and background of the Quick Reply button. The changes will show in the Quick Reply preview.
Save and publish.
What Is It
URL Scripts allow you to pass a script to the ACE chatbot from a URL. When the chatbot loads and a script is provided in the URL, the chatbot will automatically open and run through the script.
How to Use It
Use URL Scripts to direct your renters to a specific starting point in ACE (i.e. scheduling a tour, work orders, etc.). This is especially helpful if you don’t have a dedicated tour form on your property website, you can add an ACE URL Script to the links on your property website, listings, emails, etc.
Setup Instructions
Choose the website that you'd like to use — this can be your property website,, or any other site.
Add script to the end of the website URL.
To load the welcome message: ?openchatbot=true
To load a resident or leasing question use: ?chatscript=
To load tour preferences use: ?tourtime=x&tourdate=x/x/xx&tourtype=x
Next, add the flow details script. Be sure to type in the details seperated by commas, for example: pricing, two bedroom, next month
Tip: The URL will automatically change the spaces between words into %20, as seen in the examples below.
What Is It
Property variables are a set of data values related to property information that ACE can use in its repsonses. The most visible use case is the ability to assign values to specific property information (variables) that ACE can use in its responses (ex: application fee = $50, example below). This allows you to easily add or update leasing information in one place. Property Variables are managed in the Property Variables Dashboard in the LeaseHawk Admin Center. To activate the Property Variables Dashboard, please reach out to your LeaseHawk Client Success Manager or email
How to Use It
Use property variables to edit prompt information in one place rather than customizing individual ACE responses.
Setup Instructions
Navigate to the Property Variables Dashboard in the LeaseHawk Admin Center.
Find the property variable you would like to change.
Use the search funtion to find a specific variable.
Use the filter funtion to view variables in certain categories, such as Fees.
Enter the value and click Save.
Insertion Instructions
Navigate to any prompt and type " (( " to see the property variables dropdown.
The dropdown provides two sections of property variables: Related Variables, which shows property variables related to the prompt and All Variables.
Select the property variable you would like to add and it will be automatically inserted into the prompt.
What Is It
Shortcuts are buttons that hover directly above the ACE chatbot Floating Action Button.
How to Use It
When a renter clicks on a shortcut button, it will open a chat conversation with ACE and provide the response for the chosen shortcut button. For example, if the renter clicks on the shortcut, “Amenities” then ACE will open a chat conversation and immediately answer with response for Amenities. You can customize the shortcut buttons to be any ACE leasing or resident question or prompt, such as to schedule a tour or start a work order.
Setup Instructions
This feature is coming soon! Please check back for updates.
Learn how to add your own ACE™ Virtual Leasing Assistant chat pop-ups. With chat pop-ups, you can embed experiences within the ACE chatbot window, such as photo galleries, virtual tours, support third-party apps, and more.
ACE, your virtual leasing assistant, can chat with your prospects from nearly any website. Follow this guide to learn how to setup your own ACE™ Virtual Leasing Assistant chatbot URL for placing on property listings, social media profiles, and email.
This guide provides instructions on how to install the ACE chatbot on to your property websites.