Discover how ACE™ uses voice biometrics to identify employees and customer service agents on calls.
Last Update:
January 13, 2025
ACE™ Insight’s proprietary speaker prediction, Speaker ID, uses voice biometrics to automatically identify the agent that handled a call. You won’t need to put your agents through a tedious enrollment exercise or enter an employee code—saving time and keeping scores honest!
What You Need for Speaker ID
The following items are required for Speaker ID:
Employee List: It’s very important to provide LeaseHawk a list of all on-site employees who may answer calls. The list must contain the following information: first name, last name, nicknames (i.e. shortened, aliases, etc.), site name(s) for the employee, and email address. Contact with any staffing changes as soon as possible.
Eligible Calls: LeaseHawk must record at least 30 calls per site. These calls help train our AI models to learn your agent’s voices.
Calls previously scored by LeaseHawk TPA are counted as eligible calls.
New sites without historical calls scored by LeaseHawk TPA may need 3-6 rounds of Speaker ID Training to gather enough eligible calls. See section "Speaker ID Training" below.
Agent Voice Samples: Each agent must have at least 15 seconds of uninterrupted voice samples, or “talking time” on a call. These samples are collected from the eligible calls mentioned above.
With the three items above, Speaker ID can predict and automatically populate the Answered Agent field in My LeaseHawk reporting and dashboards.
Speaker ID Training
Occasionally, you may need to help Speaker ID identify agents. Follow the steps below to ensure Speaker ID is working at its maximum abilities for your sites:
Click on Conversations in the right-hand navigation.
Select Unidentified Agent Calls.
On this screen, you will see groups of calls organized by the name in which the agent introduced themselves. A maximum of three calls will appear per group.
If there is a likely match, Speaker ID will show its prediction in the Answering Agent field:
Agent-to-Agent Transfers and calls with a scorecard appear with special icons:
Listen to the call recording, then click on the Agent Speaking drop-down to select the correct name of the agent on the call.
Agents from all sites can be selected to allow calls to be associated with “travelling” agents who are staffed at multiple locations.
The dropdown will first display agents access to the selected site, followed by all other agents.
If you don’t see the correct agent’s name, please contact to update your employee list.
When all calls in a group have an agent selection, a green check mark will appear within the group heading.
Complete your selections, then click on the orange Start Training button.
When clicked, training will begin, and you will not be able to associate any additional calls for approx. 15 to 30 minutes.
After training completion, Speaker ID will automatically make new predictions at 12 AM MST for calls with unidentified agents.
Manual Speaker Identification
You may manually identify an agent on a call by using any of these options:
Select View under the Recording & Transcript column for your selected call.
Under the Conversation Details section, find the AnsweringAgent field.
Click on the Edit button next to the agent's name.
Select the correct agent's name.
Click the green Save button.
To exit from editing without saving, click the red X button.
Option 2 - Via Direct Conversation Record
Identify the Call ID. This can be found within an ACE Insights report or locating the call in TPA.
Add the Call ID into this URL:
Follow steps 4 through 8 above.
What if a person should not be scored, such as a new hire or manager?
For ACE Insights, identifying a speaker and scoring their calls are separate tasks. Speaker ID is on a mission to simply predict the speaker on all calls. By doing so, we are able to:
Capture their voice sample so they can be identified on calls at other sites.
Save you time! Once a voice is identified, you won’t be asked to help train Speaker ID on it again.
What if the call goes to a third-party, such as an IVR, call center, or answering service?
Identify the caller as the Call Center Agent option within the agent selection dropdown. By selecting Call Center Agent for these calls, it ensures the calls won’t be utilized for Speaker ID training and properly labels the call as routing to a call center which will aid in future feature expansions.
What if the wrong agent is identified on a call?
Follow the instructions above for “Manual Speaker Identification”. This will allow you to edit and select the correct agent for a call. If the agent is unknown to you, you can reset the call back to an unidentified state by saving the agent value as “Unknown Speaker”.
What if the agent I want to select is not in the dropdown?
Send your updated on-site employee list to or your LeaseHawk Client Success Manager. Once we receive your most recent employee list, we will update the system so you can select the correct agent. Please include the following information for each employee:
In this training video, you’ll learn the basics on how ACE measures and scores agent performance. It covers an overview on ACE Performance Insights, how performance is measured and understanding scorecards.
In this training demo, you’ll learn the basics on Agent Insights reporting. It covers how to access reporting in My LeaseHawk, listen to scored calls, and review scorecard results.