For originating ad source attribution, follow these Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) instructions on your property websites.
These instructions provide an overview of how to implement Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) on a website. The LeaseHawk DNI interface is encapsulated in a JavaScript file that calls a service on LeaseHawk’s servers. The JavaScript file will return an unformatted number in string format to be used in the website. You can implement this JavaScript with Google Tag Manager or directly on your website.
The final step, and to activate the code on your website page, you will need to include the LHAdSourceId in the link from your ad source (Google,, etc.) to your website. The identifier associated with each ad source will be provided to you by the LeaseHawk implementation team in an Excel Spreadsheet. So, based on the spreadsheet, you would need to change the ad source link like this:
Becomes...<ad source Id>
Or, if you are using another tracking service (like Google) then you would need to change the ad source link like this:
Becomes...<ad source Id>